Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Displaying 626 - 650 of 1223

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/25/19 1 Thes 4:14-15 - Be Patient with all Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun AM 19-08-25AM-BePatient.mp3 08-25-19_-__1_Thess_5_14-15_be_patient.pptx 08-25-19_-_1_Thes_5_14-15_-_Be_patient_with_people.pdf
08/25/19 Psalms 113-118 Jady Copeland Sermon N/A Sun PM 19-08-25PM-Psalm118.mp3
08/18/19 1 Thes 5:1-11 - Be Alert Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun PM 19-08-18PM-BeAlert.mp3 08-18-19_-_Be_Alert_-_1_Thes_5_1-11.pdf 08-15-19_-_1_Thess_5_1-11_-_Be_Alert.pptx
08/18/19 Enemies of Faith-Fear Jady Copeland Sermon N/A Sun AM 19-08-18AM-EnemiesofFaith-Fear.mp3
08/11/19 1 Thes 4:1-18 - Pleasing God Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun AM 19-08-11AM-PleasingGod.mp3 08-11-19_-_Pleasing_God.pdf 08-11-19_-_Pleasing_God.pptx
08/04/19 Enemies of Faith-Doubt Jady Copeland Sermon N/A Sun AM 19-08-04AM-EnemiesofFaith--Doubt.mp3
07/28/19 Church Organization Dwayne Gandy Sermon Eldership Sun AM 19-07-28AM-ChurchOrganization.mp3 07-28-19_-_Church_Organization.pptx 07-28-19_-_Church_Organization.pdf
07/28/19 Elders -- Roles & Responsibilities Jady Copeland Sermon Eldership Sun PM 19-07-28PM-Elders-RolesandResponsibilities.mp3
07/21/19 Design In Nature Points Us to Nature's Designer Scott Smelser Sermon Can We Trust The Bible? Sun AM 19-07-21AM-DesigninNaturePointsUstoNaturesDesigner.mp3
07/21/19 Jesus and the Lost Gospels Scott Smelser Sermon Can We Trust The Bible? Sun AM 19-07-21AM-ScottSmelserClass7-21-2019.mp3
07/21/19 There Were Other Little Boats Darren Mays Sermon 3rd Sunday PM Sun PM 19-07-21PM-ThereWereOtherLittleBoats.mp3 The_Sea_of_Galilee_Overview.ppt
07/20/19 Can we Have Confidence in the Text of the Bible? Scott Smelser Sermon Can We Trust The Bible? Gospel Meeting Scott_Smelser_Session_1.mp3
07/20/19 Are the Gospels just late legends? Scott Smelser Sermon Can We Trust The Bible? Gospel Meeting Scott_Smelser_Session_2.mp3
07/20/19 What makes the Bible different from ancient myths and other religions? Scott Smelser Sermon Can We Trust The Bible? Gospel Meeting Scott_Smelser_Session_3.mp3
07/14/19 Lessons from Corinthians Dan Koen Sermon Preachers We Help Support Sun AM 19-07-14AM-LessonsfromCorinthians.mp3
07/14/19 1 Thes 3:1-13 Confident in Faith Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun PM 19-07-14PM-ConfidentinFaith.mp3 07-13-19_-_1_Thes__1-13_Confident_in_their_faith.pdf 07-13-19_-_1_Thes_1_1-13_Confident_in_faith.pptx
07/07/19 1 Thes 2:13-20 - The Word at Work Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun AM 19-07-07AM-1Thess213-20-TheWordatWork.mp3 07-07-19__1_Thes_2_13-20_-_The_Word_at_work.pptx 07-07-19_-_1_Thes_2_13-20_-_The_Word_at_Work.pdf
07/07/19 Boaz and Jesus Jady Copeland Sermon Gospel According to Ruth Sun PM 19-07-07PM-BoazandJesus.mp3
06/30/19 God Our Redeemer Jady Copeland Sermon Gospel According to Ruth Sun AM 19-06-30AM-GodOurRedeemer.mp3
06/23/19 1 Thes 2:1-12 - Walk Worthy Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun AM 19-06-23AM-AWorthyWalk.mp3 06_-_2_1-12_walk_worthy.pptx 06_-_1_Thes_2_1-12_-_Walk_worthy.pdf
06/23/19 Naomi, Ruth & Boaz Jady Copeland Sermon Gospel According to Ruth Sun PM 19-06-23PM-NaomiRuthandBoaz.mp3
06/16/19 1 Thes 1:10 - Saved from the wrath of God - 3 Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun PM 19-06-16PM-SavedFromtheWrathofGod.mp3 05_-_Saved_from_the_wrath_of_God_-_3.pptx 05_-_Saved_from_the_wrath_of_God_-_3.pdf
06/16/19 The Gospel According to Ruth Jady Copeland Sermon Gospel According to Ruth Sun AM 19-06-16AM-GospelaccordingtoRuth.mp3
06/09/19 1Thes 1:10 - Saved from wrath - 2 Dwayne Gandy Sermon 1 Thessalonians Sun AM 19-06-09AM-SavedFromTheWrathtoCome.mp3 04_-_Saved_from_the_Wrath_to_come_-_2.pdf 06-09-19_-_1_Thes_1_10_-_saved_from_wrath_2.pptx
06/09/19 Faith in Action Timothy Crawford Sermon 3rd Sunday PM Sun PM 19-06-09PM-FaithinAction.mp3

Displaying 626 - 650 of 1223

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